Friday 6 May 2005

Blogging - self-referentially

Did you see this article on blogs?

No, I hadn't, but on reading it - couldn't agree more.

And the wonderful reference to the babies blog (quite a cute little joke).

OK. Blogs are interesting and are multiplying at germ warfare rates.
And they can have some influence on companies.
Mostly "disruptive", as the writer mostly hinted at (strongly and literally in one place).

Grows quickly. Just like the web did (after a while - same for blogs).
And then mainstreams and falls in on its own mass - something else comes along which not really supersedes but rather enhances (in addition to) that "older" technology. Nothing is ever lost - just added to.
Ditto for blogging.
Not everyone will blog or want to or make it a part of their normal day.


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