Monday, 12 December 2005

the rushing wind

"It is true men say the divine voice is not in the rushing wind but in the gentle breeze, but our ears are not made to pick up gentle breezes, only to gulp in the din of the elements. And why does it not break forth in still greater violence, making an end of life and the world and this brief speech, which at least has the supreme advantage that it is soon ended! Yes, let that vortex which is the innermost principle of the world, even though people are not aware of it but busily eat and drink and marry and propogate without a heed, let it break forth with the last terrible shriek, which more surely than the last trump proclaims the overthrow of everything, let it more and whirl away this naked cliff on which we stand, as easily as fluff before the breath of our nostrils."

Soren Kierkegaard
"Either/Or - A Fragment of Life"
p. 168
Penguin Classics, London, 1992, 2004

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