Wednesday, 6 July 2011

21 steps to philosophy

A XKCD strip had an image text rollover which stated:
Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy".
This site has a little script which lets you test it out (I have included a sample below) - but it is fun doing it yourself.  Follow the instructions above and you will see that it really does work.

Mind you - it does not always work - there are some pages which result in an endless loop - which may constitute philosophy in its own right!

xkcd wikipedia steps to philosophy

(Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy")
Start from article:
  1. sutherland
  2. registration_county
  3. great_britain
  4. island
  5. continent
  6. landmass
  7. land
  8. earth
  9. planet
  10. orbit
  11. physics
  12. natural_science
  13. science
  14. knowledge
  15. information
  16. sequence
  17. mathematics
  18. quantity
  19. property_(philosophy)
  20. modern_philosophy
  21. philosophy
21 steps to philosophy

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