Thursday, 15 June 2006

What exactly is it that you want?

What exactly is it that you want?

Independence of mind and will. Ability to make one's own decisions, without having to kowtow to anyone else, without having to make unwilling compromises because someone else has to be considered and accommodated.

To have just the one person, that is yours forever, that loves you and you alone, that is faithful in word, thought and deed, that considers you and your needs above all else.

To achieve in your career, to be recognized for the person that you are, for your skills and accomplishments, not for who you are with or accompany.

To have children, that you love and who love you in return. Who you help grow and mature and become wonderful human beings in their own right. Who bring you joy and comfort as you grow older.

To do your own thing, when you want to do it for the reasons that you want or please you. At your own pace, with no demands from others except for the demands that you consciously agree to.

To be with someone, to feel human warmth and contact, to grow more intimate in a most meaningful manner over the years, to have companionship into your old age, that is just there and demands nothing more than it is there.

To choose who you want to be with, when you want to be with them. To choose to be with a different person or persons whenever it suits. To define the parameters of your relationships according to what you think or want, however that may change over time.

To be transported to the ends of pleasure by the person that you love, and who loves you in return. By your true love, for it is true love that defines the ends of pleasure, that maps the extent of bounding one's world, of transforming profane to sublime.

To love and be loved, utterly and absolutely, forever and forever.

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